In addition to the previous article about deployment tools in Kubernetes, I want to tell you about how you can use Jsonnet to simplify the description of the jobs in your .gitlab-ci.yml


There is a monorepo in which:

  • 10 dockerfiles
  • 30 described deployments
  • 3 environments: devel, stage and prod


Configure a pipeline:

  • Building Docker images should be done by adding a git tag with a version number.
  • Each deployment operation should be performed when pushing to the environment branch and only if files changed in a specific directory
  • Each environment has its own gitlab-runner with a different tag that performs deployment only in this environment.
  • Not any application should be deployed in each of the environments. We should describe the pipeline in order to be able to make exceptions.
  • Some deployments use git submodule and should be run with the GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY=normal environment variable set.

Describing all this may seem like a real hell, but do not despair, armed with Jsonnet, we can easily do it.